Black Stuff zieht in den Krieg gegen Zucker! Schützen Sie Ihre Leber und füttern Sie Ihren Darm!

Black Stuff goes to war against sugar! Protect your liver and feed your gut!

Black Stuff, derived from pine bark and birch chaga, is a special product that focuses on sugar regulation and absorption control. Its ability to control sugar absorption in the digestive system and prevent competitive absorption of sugar and vitamin C may be particularly beneficial for people who need to control their blood sugar levels.

One of the most important benefits of lignin and fulvic acids is their ability to regulate sugar absorption in the digestive system. Did you know that 25% of the world's population suffers from a disease that is the largest pandemic in world history? Fatty liver is not only a problem caused by alcohol, but also by sugar. It can affect certain enzymes responsible for sugar breakdown and absorption, reducing the amount of excess sugar in the bloodstream. This helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and prevents competitive absorption of sugar and vitamin C.

Excessive sugar consumption can reduce the absorption of vitamin C because both sugar and vitamin C compete for absorption in the digestive system. However, the lignin found in Black Stuff can help mitigate this competition.

To our bodies, sugar and vitamin C look almost the same, but unfortunately, sugar wins in the race for absorption. Take a look at the molecular structure of these two elements...

In addition, Black Stuff protects the liver and helps maintain healthy liver function. The liver is an important organ in the digestive system that facilitates metabolism, removal of toxins, and absorption of nutrients. A product that promotes liver health can have a significant impact on overall health and body function.

Our bodies metabolize sugar and vitamin C in a similar way, which can cause problems when sugar dominates over vitamin C absorption. Here are the five main problems associated with vitamin C deficiency:

  1. Reduced immunity: Vitamin C is important for immune system function and protection against infections. A vitamin C deficiency can lead to weakened immunity and increase your body's vulnerability to viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

  2. Poor wound healing: Vitamin C is necessary for collagen production, which is essential for tissue healing and regeneration. A deficiency in this vitamin can impair the wound healing process, making it slower and more complicated.

  3. Increased fatigue and weakness: Vitamin C is involved in energy production in the body. Its deficiency can lead to fatigue, weakness and an overall reduced energy level.

  4. Poor dental health: Vitamin C is important for preventing gingivitis and maintaining gum health. Its deficiency can lead to tooth decay, gum bleeding, and other dental problems.

  5. Mood and mental health deterioration: Vitamin C is associated with the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which influences our mood and mental well-being. Deficiency in this vitamin can contribute to depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

In addition to the previously mentioned facts, it is worth noting that humans and guinea pigs are the only animals that cannot synthesize vitamin C on their own and depend on obtaining it through food. This means that we need to ensure an adequate intake of vitamin C from food or dietary supplements.

A deficiency of vitamin C can affect many bodily functions, including collagen formation and calcium absorption. Collagen is the main protein that forms bones, tendons, skin, and other tissue structures. A lack of vitamin C impairs normal collagen synthesis, which can lead to the development of osteoporosis and joint problems.

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone density decreases, making them brittle and prone to fractures. Vitamin C deficiency can affect bone formation and repair, thereby increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Additionally, in the absence of vitamin C, calcium absorption from the diet may be reduced, which can negatively impact bone health.

In addition to bone health, vitamin C is also important for joint health. It is necessary to maintain healthy joint ligaments and cartilage, which provide smooth movement and protect joint structures from damage. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to joint pain, inflammation, and other joint problems.

Therefore, it is important to ensure adequate intake of vitamin C to maintain bone density, prevent the development of osteoporosis and maintain healthy joints. To achieve this, it is recommended to consume food sources rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, Include berries, melons, green leafy vegetables, peppers and broccoli in your daily diet.

Black Stuff also offers additional health benefits. It helps detoxify the body by eliminating toxins and heavy metals, and its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties contribute to overall well-being and reduce inflammation.

A balanced microbiome equals a healthy you!

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